UKA (United Kingdom Alliance)


Fit 2 Dance offers dance exams twice yearly. The grading scheme we follow is that of the UKA (United Kingdom Alliance). This gives the dancer a nationally recognised award with one of the biggest dance organisations in the country.

Fit 2 Dance has a 100% pass rate in UKA Dance exams.

Junior Dancers

Younger dancers are encouraged to start with the UKA’s introductory awards. The children’s scheme is designed around a Teddy Bear character called ‘Uni-Ted’. These awards give the child a bright and colourful plaque, badges, certificate and trophy to work towards.

Uni-Ted Master Plaque, badge and personalised certificate.

Young dancers then continue to collect coloured badges to fill their plaque. With each coloured badge a dancer receives a certificate  and a teddy shaped pin badge.

Badge exam fee’s on request.

To complete their ‘Uni-Ted’ scheme, dancers can work for the Top Ted Statuette. A most sought-after award!

Senior Dancers

Older or more experienced dancers begin the exam scheme higher up the grade system. All awards come with a certificate and report form offering the dancer feedback on their performance.

Exam fee’s on request.

Bronze Medal
Silver Medal
Gold Medal

Gold Bar 1
Gold Bar 2
Gold Bar 3

Gold Star 1
Gold Star 2
Gold Star 3

President Award
Majestic Award

UK Award
Prestige Statuette
Gold Cup
Premier Victory Award

Premier Cup 1
Premier Cup 2
Premier Cup 3

Choreography Award 1
Choreography Award 2
Choreography Award 3

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If you would like to join us for a free trial, anytime during the term, then give us a call, would love to see you!

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